Forest Restoration
Saltwater State Park is the largest urban forest in Des Moines, WA at 90 acres in size. Being a state park it is open to the public and not only serves Des Moines but also surrounding communities in the south end of King County.
Trees remove carbon and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Invasive plants, especially ivy, are a major threat to the forest. Removal of invasive plants and replanting with native ones will benefit the environment for several decades to come. The Douglas Firs we plant today have a lifespan of 100 years plus.
The goal is to maintain and improve the forest community we currently have. The Friends sponsor work parties that take place the first Saturday of every month to reserve and improve the forest habitat. This past 12 months we have had almost 500 stewardship hours.
The Friends will sponsor special restoration work parties for groups such as businesses or community groups. Contact Friends if interested in having a restoration event for your group.
Although removing Ivy can be difficult and labor intensive, it can be satisfying because you see immediate results.
At the end of each event we take a group picture behind our huge pile of ivy.
Photos taken at the work party are posted on Facebook and this web site.